3 Things I learnt from recording my first episode

3 Things I learnt from recording my first episode

SO, after following so many incredible podcasts for years I thought I’d give it a go myself. I have learnt a few things right off the bat and thought I’d share them with you stright away.

1 – Tea, biscuits and microphones don’t go.

Yes, so sitting down for a cuppa and having a chat with people who you think are amazing is great BUT make sure you finish your tea or save the biscuits for later because slurping does not sound good on a microphone (unless you’re making a Mukbang video – really gross videos of people eating, don’t google unless you have a strong stomach and don’t ask me how I know that…) That’s of course not to say I could avoid having a few sips of tea during the episodes already – sorry, you’ll just have to forgive those

2 – If you’re not sure STOP and go BACK

There were a few moments during the recordings where sound levels dropped and I didn’t take the time to always take a step back and stop the conversation and reset, meaning: EDITING NIGHTMARE. So, in hindsight, check levels more carefully before starting or stop the recording if need be to re-adjust.

3 – Remember you’re the HOST

So, because I’m speaking to guests that I really love and find fascinating there have been a few moments where I have been so engrossed in the story that I’ve completely forgotten my next questions. This really isn’t a biggy, but good to keep myself checked on seeing as I am the host… I’m sure it’ll be something I get better at.

At that’s all. I’ve really enjoyed the first few episodes and am so excited to carry on recording next month with some more amazing guest who I will reveal soon!

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